Monday, March 12, 2007

frakkety frakking frak

as most of you know, i am a battlestar galactica whore. i gobble up BSG episodes like i've been known to gobble up dairy queen ice cream cake. as a result of my near total immersion in the BSG world of skin-jobs, toasters, the CAG and tyllium fuel, i have picked up a very useful new word: frak.

frak is how the brilliant writers of BSG manage to get past the FCC and let the main characters curse like the soldiers they are, and i have shamelessly incorporated it into my vocabulary. i walk around the grocery store wondering where they moved the frakking shake'n'bake, why that frakking lady at the meat counter cut in front of me in line, and whether or not i have few enough items to go in the frakking express lane. i've been known to utter, "holy frak, that's expensive!" while picking out curry paste.

the very very best thing about frak is that i can walk around cursing loudly as i am prone to do in the most mundane circumstances and feel not one iota of guilt! i am not cussing in public! my mother used to chastise me when i let loose with a string of swear words that would make little old ladies and suburban housewives look like they'd swallowed something nasty. i wasn't trying to offend, it's just that going to the grocery store is very stressful for me, and i am a firm believer in letting your stress out through a non-physical pressure valve: in my case, cussing. i'm not trying to be obscene. i'm just trying to keep from going postal. it really does make me feel better. with the help of frak, the little old ladies and suburban housewives still give me looks of disgust, but now they are primarily made up of confusion and "what a weirdo" rather than "how uncouth!"


Jason Harman said...

TV is the primary source of new lingo I swear. Between King of The Hill, BSG, Deadwood and even CBC's Intelligence, I'm learning to speak in a whole new way. I'm going around saying "I tell you wot" and I'm thinking of adding "yeah" as a sort of new "eh" to the end of my sentences like the Director in Intelligence. She's sweet. And if anyone get's my goat I'll be sure to treat them to some freshly channelled Woo imitating Sweargen. C*cksuckahhhhhhhh...... Frakkin' Sweet, yeah?

Squirrelly Girly said...

I love frak. Too bad my non-scifi geek friends cannot embrace it as me. So much better than 'flip' as my sister uses (which always sounds so old ladyish). I can really get behind frak, and punch up the 'K' sound at the end to show my disgust of something. And it's totally clear what you mean when you say it! No one mistakes your meaning.