Thursday, September 07, 2006

oh, bother

i'm going to completely contradict my last post by saying that writing absolutely freaking sucks. for the last week, i have been struggling with the same scene, writing and rewriting, more than thirty pages now, trying to get my characters from point a to point b. this is a new one for me. i have had writer's block before, but it's been because i've convinced myself how bad my ideas are. this time, it stems from having too many possibilities. i remain confident in my story, my plot, my people. i just don't know how to get around this road block.

i've tried action and inaction, talking and not talking, dealing with one subplot or another. none of it seems right. none of it flows like my last chapter did, which practically wrote itself. or the chapter before that, or the chapter before that. i think i am going to have to learn a new way of writing to fill gaps like this, but i don't know what that way is!

i thought that blogging about it might help, but it hasn't so far. i thought that just sitting down and forcing it would help, but it hasn't so far -- it's just kept me from my other work, the work i get paid for that is due in a little over a week. i turn on music, i turn off music. i turn on the tv, i turn off the tv. i pull out some hair. and the more i talk about it and think about it, the more frustrated i get. so i'm just gonna post this, mess that it is... otherwise, i'll stroke out and the blog's new beginning will be its end.

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